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- UAPO "Cuídate" ES
- Übergang in eine andere Bildungsstufe DE
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- Übergangsbestimmung DE
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- Übung DE
- ufficio IT
- Ufficio Internazionale dell'Educazione (IBE) International Bureau of Education IT
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- UGR Alumni Service EN
- UGR Employment Agency EN
- UGR Employment Observatory EN
- UGR Governing Council EN
- UGR Governing Team EN
- UAPO "Cuídate" ES
- Übergang in eine andere Bildungsstufe DE
- Übergang von Sekundarstufe zur Hochschule DE
- Übergangsbestimmung DE
- Überschuss an Lehrkräften DE
- Übung DE
- ufficio IT
- Ufficio Internazionale dell'Educazione (IBE) International Bureau of Education IT
- ugdomasis vertinimas LT
- ugdymas taikai LT
- ugdymo metodas LT
- ugdymo modelis LT
- Ugdymo mokslų institutas LT
- ugdymo programos vadovas LT
- ugdymo programų kūrimas LT
- ugdymo psichologas LT
- ugdymo teorija LT
- Ugdymo teorijos ir kultūros katedra LT
- ugdymo tikslas LT
- ugdymo turinio pakeitimai LT
- ugdymo turinio programa LT
- ugdymo turinio reforma LT
- UGR Alumni Service EN
- UGR Employment Agency EN
- UGR Employment Observatory EN
- UGR Governing Council EN
- UGR Governing Team EN
Terminology Collection:
Arqus ad hoc Glossaries
Subject field:
Joint Programme Development English Glossary (Arqus I -WP 3.5)
Associated body:
Quality Learning Board
jointly planned and developed programme including a strong integration of both curriculum and organisation at the participating partner institutions. Joint programmes lead to single national, multiple or joint diplomas. They typically are offered jointly by two or more participating higher education institutions located in different countries.
Definition source:
https://www.nuffic.nl/en/subjects/international-partnerships/jdaz-guide Bologna Process, the 2012 Implementation Report (p.185)
Joint programmes usually have all or at least some
of the following characteristics:
● the curriculum is jointly developed and approved by the corresponding institutions;
● students from each participating institution study parts of the programme in at least one of the other participating institutions;
● students' stays in the different participating institutions are usually of comparable length;
● periods of study and exams passed at the partner institution(s) are fully and automatically recognised;
● academics of the participating institutions jointly work out the curriculum, form joint admission and examination commissions, and participate in joint teaching activities;
● after completion of the full programme, the student either obtains the national diploma of each participating institution, a double diploma, a multiple diploma, or a joint diploma offered by at least two of the participating higher education institutions.
Note source:
Arqus Alliance