Committee of Solidarity Funds and Development of Student Initiatives (FSDIE)
Creation: November 3, 2022
Modified: November 3, 2022
Terminology Collection:
Arqus Partner’s Institutional Terminology
Subject field:
General Staff and Student Representative Bodies (UJM Saint Étienne, UCB Lyon 1, UJM Lyon 3) > University Governing and Representative Bodies (UJM Saint Étienne, UCB Lyon 1, UJM Lyon 3) > University of Lyon (UJM Saint Étienne, UCB Lyon 1, UJM Lyon 3) Bilingual Terminology (fr, en)
Associated body:
Presidential Team
English Terms
French Terms
Commission du Fonds de Solidarité et de Développement des Initiatives Étudiantes
- Usage status: Official/preferred
- Normative Organisation: UJM Lyon 3
- Term type: Full form
- Part of speech: Noun
- Source: Arqus Termbase