Arqus joint programme
Creation: September 7, 2022 Modified: November 16, 2022
Terminology Collection:

Arqus ad hoc Glossaries

Subject field:

Joint Programme Development English Glossary (Arqus I -WP 3.5)

Associated body:

Quality Learning Board

joint and flexible curricula initiative that aims at fostering student-centred and research-based learning in a wide variety of academic disciplines or interdisciplinary areas, e.g. at unit, module or programme level. Arqus joint programmes provide an innovative, quick and easy way to set up or foster academic cooperation within the Alliance. These programmes are typically based on existing academic cooperation and mobility of students and staff. Also, they are developed in a step-bystep fashion leaving open entry points for other partners to join in at any time. Note that AJPs are a specific and distinctive type of the general concept of “joint programme”, therefore definitions are not considered identical.
Definition source: Arqus Alliance

English Terms

Arqus joint programme

  • Usage status: Official/preferred
  • Normative Organisation: Arqus Alliance


  • Usage status: Admitted
  • Normative Organisation: Arqus Alliance